Letter of Appointment - Open to view entire document
Dr. William Overholt was awarded a two-year appointment as Policy Advisor in the field of International Relations for Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Korea, on May 28, 2011. |

"China's Future: Xi Jinping and After," video with Lawrence Summers. The Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard University, (November 8, 2022)
Hale Podcast Episode 11: Dr. William Overholt on US-China Relations. (January 2021) Transcript [pdf]
China’s politics getting in way of implementing ‘brilliant’ economic plan: US researcher William Overholt. (October 2018)
The RMB could lead global currencies over the USD. (February 2016)
BBC World Service, Business Daily: Happy Birthday Wikipedia. (January 2016)
Reassessing China: Awaiting Xi Jinping. (February 2012)
"The Price of German Leadership"
The International Economy, Winter 2012
Can Korea hedge between US and China?
July 10, 2011
Through a Glass Darkly: Assessing China's Early Economic Reforms
June 25, 2011
This is part of an extensive series of articles by China specialists about their first trips to China.
Communist allies seek strategic interests
June 01, 2011, The Korea Herald
"The China Model"
June 2011
Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.4, No.2, [pdf]
"Park Chung Hee's International Legacy"
May 13, 2011
Presentation at the International Forum for President Park Jung Hee's Political Leadership," Dongyang University, Yeong-ju City, Republic of Korea, [pdf]
"Japan: Don't Waste the Crisis"
March 25, 2011
PacNet 18A, [pdf]
Gilbert council candidates discuss what they like to read, watch
April 20, 2011, www.Azcentral.com
The Revolution of the Yuan
January 7, 2011
[pdf] English | Italian
Gilbert council candidates discuss what they like to read, watch
April 20, 2011
The Gilbert Republic asked the Gilbert Town Council candidates about their favorite books and movies some voters can get a little better understanding of the candidates beyond their positions on issues. [pdf]
Communist allies seek strategic interests
June 1, 2011
North Korean leader Kim Jong-il’s recent visit to China indicated that the two countries’ communist alliance remains intact, but that it may be shifting toward a relationship based more on strategic and economic interests. [pdf]
"Japan's Inexorable Decay"
Fall 2010
The International Economy, pp. 26-29. [pdf]
"Korea and Japan: Decisive Political Turns"
June 7, 2010
South China Morning Post (SCMP), [pdf]
World leaders, experts to seek paths to peace, co-prosperity in East Asia
August 12, 2009
World Leaders, experts to seek paths to peace,co-prosperity in East Asia
August 12, 2009, Yonhap News Agency
Macau's Big Gamble
September 1, 2007, Atlantic Magazine
Macau’s Big Gamble
September 2007
Even as foreign investors pour billions into ever-glitzier casinos, the tiny peninsula’s bid to become the Vegas of the Orient depends on China’s larger willingness to embrace transparency and the rule of law. [pdf]
Former Ambassador to People's Republic of China to UN Visits RAND
April 12, 2005
Former Premier of Taiwan Discusses Taiwan's Economy and Cross-Strait Relations
March 12, 2003
