The following is a bibliographical list of articles written by Dr. William H. Overholt. Scroll down to view the complete list:
2011 - present
- "The Enemy Is Us," The International Economy, Summer 2015. [pdf]
- "The Opportunities and Challenges of Growing East Asian-Latin American Economic Relations: Report of the Task Force on East Asian-Latin American Economic Relations," East Asia-Latin America Taskforce, Pacific Basin Research Center, Soka University of America, 19 August 2015. [pdf]
- "How Dangerous is Vladimir Putin?" A Symposium of Views, The International Economy, Winter 2015. [pdf]
- "It's time to update our thinking on trade," East Asia Forum, 3 August 2014.
- "Revive Multilateralism or Fail Global Development," East Asia Forum, 19 February 2014.
- "Why the IMF needs an Asian leader," East Asia Forum, 25 May 2011.
- "Northeast Asia's Future: Mobilization System Lifecycle," Presentation, 2011. [pdf]
2000 - 2010 - "Asia After the Global Financial Crisis," GlobalAsia, Vol. 4, Number 3, September 2009, pp. 72-75.
- "The Rise of the Rest," Joint Forces Quarterly, Issue 53, 2nd quarter. 2009, Excerpted from a report prepared by the Institute of National Security Studies of the National Defense University on global defense issues for the incoming Obama administration. [pdf]
- Asia, America and the Transformation of Asian Geopolitics (New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
- "Disoriented: In Asia, U.S. Still Guards the Fort but Surrenders the Bank," RAND Review 2008.
- "Globalization's Unequal Discontents," Washingtonpost.com, 21 December 2006.
- "A Sinocentric Asia?" Presentation to Asian Business Council conference, Four Seasons Hotel, Shanghai, 5 November 2003.
- "Asia's Continuing Crisis," Survival, Volume 44, Number 1 (Spring 2002). [pdf]
- "Barriers to cross-border capital flows inside Asia," chapter of Albert Bressand, editor, Capital Markets of the 21st Century (Paris: Promethee, 2001).
- "Reform, Risk and Opportunity in Northeast Asia," Nomura, 6 July 2001.
- "The Economic Prospects of Asia," presentation with Paul Krugman and Manu Bhaskaran to Swiss Re Forum, 2 November 2001.
- "The Changing Face of Asia, and the Changing Face of Capital," Keynote address to the conference of the Hong Kong Venture Capital Association, Hong Kong Convention Center, 1 November 2001.
- "The Terrorist War in the light of the Cold War," Nomura, 5 October 2001. [pdf]
- "Barriers to cross-border capital flows inside Asia," chapter of Albert Bressand, editor, Capital Markets of the 21st Century (Paris: Promethee, 2001).
- 'Reform, the New Economy, and Asian Capital Markets," International Think Tanks Forum, sponsored by China Development Institute, Shenzhen, China, 15 June 2001.
- "Bush and Asia," Nomura, 28 December 2000 (with colleagues),
- "The Tigers Reemerge: Asia, 2000-2005," Nomura, 10 March 2000. [pdf]
1990 - 2000 - "Asian Crises: From Taipei to Daewoo," Nomura, 2 August 1999 (with Adrian Foster)
- "Would an Argentine Devaluation Affect Asian Markets?", Nomura, 31 May 1999. (with Adrian Foster) [pdf]
- "Asia's Bubble Crisis: No Instant Cure," Nomura, 19 January 1999. [pdf]
- "The Asian Financial Crisis," Australian National Leaders' Conference, Hayman Island, Australia, 13 September 1998.
- "The Asian Financial Crisis," keynote speech for Securities Industry Research Centre of Asia-Pacific conference on "Competition for Order Flow," Maui, Hawaii, 29 January 1998.
- "Asia's Bubble Crisis: The Second Phase," PowerPoint Presentation, 1998. [pdf]
- "Is the Asian Miracle Over?" International Economy, November-December 1997, reprinted in Chinese in Hong Kong Economic Times. [pdf]
- Regional Economic Survey, BT Asian Window, August 1996, and monthly thereafter.
- "Asian Currencies: When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going," Bankers Trust, Article 45/1, 27 January 1995.
- "The Next Phase of Asian Development," presentation for speaking tour of London, Paris, Rotterdam, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Gottingen, Stockholm and Zurich, 20 Nov. - 2 Dec 1994.
- "The Paradox of Success and Antagonism in U.S.-Asian Relations Over Human Rights, Democratization, and Trade," presentation to Pacific Dialogue (conference of senior Asian and American leaders), Penang, Malaysia, 13 November 1994.
- "Growth and Markets in Pacific Asia," Plenary address to annual meeting of Securities Institute of Australia, Perth, Australia, 9 November 1994.
- "Asia Pacific: An Economic Overview," plenary address to Asian Securities Analysts Council, Sydney, Australia, 6 September 1993.
- "The Pacific Basin Economic Miracle," February 1992.
- "Pacific Asia After the Oil/Recession Crisis: Some Strategic Lessons of Resilience," to be published in Dora Alves, ed., New Perspectives for US-Pacific Security Strategy. Originally a paper for National Defense University's Pacific Symposium, Honolulu, 28 February 1991. The above was a national security oriented paper. An investment version under the same title appeared in International Investing for Pension Professionals Vol. XI, Number 2 (Sacramento: Institute for Fiduciary Education, Sept. 1991). [pdf]
- "Les Etats Unis et l'Asie dans les annees 90," chapter of Charles Hervouet, ed., Le Asie-Pacifique: Les Nouveaux Espaces de Cooperation et de Conflit (Quebec: Presses de l'Universite Laval, 1991) [pdf]
- "Asia After the Gulf War," address to American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, Furama Hotel Ballroom, 25 March 1991. Same address given to Harvard Business School Association on March 17.
- "Asian Economic Trends and American National Strategy," plenary presentation to National Defense University Conference, Honolulu, 28 February 1991.
- "Asia Will Be The Oil Crisis Winner," BTB 420/1 (3 August 1990).
- "A Three-Year Scenario For Southeast Asian Markets," BTB408/1 (12 June 1990).
- "Economic Interdependence in Asia," paper for Third U.S.-Mongolia Bilateral Conference, sponsored by Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, and Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Mongolian People's Republic, 24-26 May 1990, in Berkeley, California.
- "Asia, America, and Europe in the New Game," keynote speech to Asia Pacific Strategy Development Workshop, sponsored by the by the Joint Staff and the National Defense University, Fort McNair, Washington D.C., 23-24 May 1990.
1980 - 1990 - "The Burmese Way to Oppression", review of Bertil Lintner, Outrage: Burma's Struggle for Democracy (Asian Wall Street Journal, 3 Aug 1989).
- "The Changing Social and Political Environment of Pacific Asia in the 1990s and Its Impact on Economic Growth," address to Sixth Annual Meeting of Asian Bankers Association, Hilton Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia, 14 October 1989.
- "Strategic Implications of Pacific Asian Economic Growth," presentation to International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, 22 March 1989.
- "Asia Weekly Strategy," published weekly commencing November, 1988.
- "Pacific Basin Economic Development and Intra-Regional Capital Flows," speech to annual Pacific Basin meeting of Arthur Andersen & Partners, Howard Plaza Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, 5 December 1988.
- "Pacific Asian Economies and Equity Markets," speech to Nikkei Conference on Investment Strategies for a New Era, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, 13 November 1987.
- "The Emergence of the Middle Classes in Asia: Economic and Political Consequences," Speech to Business International Heads of Asia Pacific Organizations Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, November 1987.
- "Political and Economic Stability in Asia," address to International Data Corporation annual conference, Hong Kong, 10 September 1987, and Singapore, 10 September 1987.
- "Pacific Asian Development Under Stress," luncheon address to IBM Asia Pacific Board of Directors Meeting, Regent Hotel, Hong Kong, 23 April 1987.
- Risk Assessment and Equity Financing in Developing Asia," lecture for Asian Development Bank Conference on Equity Financing in Asia, Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines, 6 January 1987.
- "Pacific Asian Economies & Equity Markets: A Long Term Perspective," BTB 7/1 (11 November 1987).
- "Economic Comments: The Smaller Asian Markets," BTB 3/1 (5 September 1987).
- "The Pacific Basin Model: The Moderation of Politics," in James Morley, ed., The Pacific Basin (New York: Academy of Political Science, 1986), 35-45.
- "Asian Markets & Creditworthiness of Asian Countries," PAG 289/1-D (8 September 1986).
- "Briefing Charts on Asian Business Environment," PAG 286/1-D (15 August 1986).
- "Asia & America in the 1980s: Implications for Foreign Aid," PAG 147/1-D (25 February 1983).
- "Asia and America in the 1980s: Implications for Foreign Aid," Statement to the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 25 February 1983. [pdf]
- "The United States and Asia in the Seventies," HI-1793-DP (March 1983).
- "Progress and Politics in Pacific Asia," International Security, Spring 1983. [pdf]
- "Asia and America in the 1980s," PAG 55/1-D (15 June 1981).
- "The Asian Political Landscape in the 1980s," lecture for "Asian Forecast" conference, Asia Society, New York, 2 June 1981.
- "Global Political Economy and Asian-American Relations," PAG 57/1-D (9 July 1981).
- "The Use of Scenarios in Policy Planning," paper for Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 6 September 1981.
1970s - "Potential Implications of Nuclear Proliferation in Eastern Asia for U.S. Interests," paper for Fourth Annual Conference on Nuclear Proliferation, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam University, Held at Chosun Hotel, Seoul, Korea, January 1979, subsequently published in book form and also reprinted in Korea Times, Hankuk Ilbo, Korea Newsreview and others.
- Project Leader, Thailand's Political-Economic Environment and the Development of Offshore Gas Fields, HRS-160/2-P (June 1978).
- "The Potential Impact of Nuclear Proliferation on U.S. Intervention Capacity in Pacific Asia," HI-2778-DP (February 1978).
- William H. Overholt, Thomas Pepper, and Herman Kahn, "Political Rationales for "Background: Southeast Asia," HI-2269/3-DP (July 1976).
- Confrontation Scenarios - Asia" HI-2382/2-P (February 1976).
- A U.S. Nuclear Posture for Asia, Hudson Institute, HI-2371-DP (June 1976).
- "The Importance of Asia to the United States," HI-2315/3-D (August 1975).
- "The Rise of the Pacific Basin," HI-1735/5-P, Pacific Community (July 1974).
- "The United States and the Pacific Asia in the Seventies," Hudson Institute, HI 1661/3-RR, June 1974. [pdf]
- (With Herman Kahn), The Future of the Nixon Doctrine in Pacific Asia, Hudson Institute, HI-1661-RR (1974). Volume I: The United States and Pacific Asia; Volume II: The World Context Volume III: Appendices
- "Some Contemporary Trends in Pacific Asia," HI-1793-DP (August 1974).
- Major contributor, Pacific/Asia Strategy for Tomorrow (U), Army War College (1973) (Classified).
- Major Contributor, The North Pacific Power Triangle (Japan, China, U.S.S.R.): Implications for United States Security Policy, Hudson Institute, HI-1605-RR (1972).
- "Platitudes and Outrages: Speculations on Asia in 1985," HI-1544/2-DP (December 1971).
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