The following is a bibliographical list of articles written by Dr. William H. Overholt. Scroll down to view the complete list:
- "The Great Betrayal,"The International Economy, Winter, 2017. [pdf]
- "One Belt, One Road, One Pivot",Global Asia, Vol. 10, No. 3, Fall 2015. [pdf]
- "The Rogoff-Reinhart Thesis", The International Economy, Fall 2011. (Overholt's comment is the fourth in this series.) [pdf]
- "A Symposium of Views: An American Lost Decade of Stagnant Growth?" The International Economy, Summer 2009 (Overholt's Contribution is the 30th article). [pdf]
- Asia, America and the Transformation of Asian Geopolitics (New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
- "Disoriented: In Asia, U.S. Still Guards the Fort but Surrenders the Bank," RAND Review 2008.
- "Which Economy Will Run Into Trouble First: The US or China?" Policy and Markets Magazine, February 1, 2007.
- "WTO Compliance and Sectoral Issues," Testimony to the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission, January 18, 2002.
- "The Terrorist War in Light of the Cold War," Nomura, October 5, 2001.
- "China and the U.S.: An Inexorable Clash?" Nomura, May 10, 1999. [pdf]
- "U.S. Interests and Policies Toward Hong Kong," Testimony to the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Hearings on U.S. Policy Toward Hong Kong, April 24, 1997. [pdf]
- "The Paradox of Success and Antagonism in U.S.-Asian Relations Over Human Rights, Democratization, and Trade," presentation to Pacific Dialogue (conference of senior Asian and American leaders), Penang, Malaysia, November 13, 1994)
- "U.S. Relations with Hong Kong," Testimony to Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, Foreign Relations Committee, United States Senate, on April 2, 1992, regarding S.1731, a bill to establish policy of the United States with respect to Hong Kong after July 1, 1997
- "U.S. Economic Policy Toward China," paper for Japanese-American conference on China sponsored by the Asia Society, New York, Dec. 18-19, 1991, and published as a chapter in an Asia Society book during 1992.
- "Pacific Asia After the Oil/Recession Crisis: Some Strategic Lessons of Resilience," to be published in Dora Alves, ed., New Perspectives for US-Pacific Security Strategy. Originally a paper for National Defense University's Pacific Symposium, Honolulu, February 28, 1991. The above was a national security oriented paper. An investment version under the same title appeared in International Investing for Pension Professionals Vol. XI, Number 2 (Sacramento: Institute for Fiduciary Education, Sept. 1991)
- "Asian Economic Trends and American National Strategy," plenary presentation to National Defense University Conference, Honolulu, February 28, 1991.
- "Asia, America, and Europe in the New Game," keynote speech to Asia Pacific Strategy Development Workshop, sponsored by the by the Joint Staff and the National Defense University, Fort McNair, Washington D.C., May 23-24, 1990.
- "Hong Kong and China: The Real Issues," in Frank J. Macchiarola and Robert B Oxnam, eds., China and East Asia: Implications for American Policy, Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, 1991. Reprinted in Doing Business in Today's Hong Kong (Hong Kong: American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, 1991). Presented at Asia Society conference on China's external ties, Wingspread Conference Center, Racine, Wisconsin January 19-21, 1991. Originally a lecture sponsored by American Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong, Furama Hotel Jade Ballroom, 30 August 1990, this speech drew the biggest audience of any political or scholarly address given in Hong Kong during 1990.
1980 - 1990 - "Use Democracy to Stomp Out Drugs," Asian Wall Street Journal, 12 December 1989 (The article is about U.S. foreign policy in Burma.). [pdf]
- "The U.S. Deficit: A Perverse View," BTB 75/1 (September 15, 1988).
- "The U.S. Trade Bill," BTB 65/1 (July 15, 1988).
- "The Baht Exchange Rate and Implications for Restructuring the Thai Economy," presentation at annual United States-Thailand Economic Conference, Pattaya, Thailand, 24-26 June 1988
- Thailand-United States Relations: Political, Strategic, and Economic Factors (Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 1988). Excerpted in Pacific Review I, 1 (Spring 1988)
- "Washington & the Markets," BTB 21/1 (February 3, 1988).
- "Washington Begins to Bash Trade Partners," BTB 26/1 (February 12, 1988).
- "The U.S. Trade Deficit: Further Reflections," BTB 17/1 (January 18, 1988).
- "The U.S. Budget Negotiations," BTB 8/1 (November 19, 1987).
- "The United States and Asia in the Seventies," HI-1793-DP (March 1983).
- "Asia and America in the 1980s: Implications for Foreign Aid," Statement to the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 25 February 1983. [pdf]
- "U.S. & China: Talking Points", PAG 142/1-D (February 9, 1983). [pdf]
- "The Global Political Economy: West-West and North-North Issues," Bankers Trust, PAG 60/1-D, August 07, 1981. [pdf]
- "The Global Political Economy and Asian-American Relations," Bankers Trust, BTPAG 57/1-D, 09 July, 1981. [pdf]
- "Reagan's World," PAG 54/1-D (June 4, 1981). [pdf]
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Zimbabwe-U.S. Trade and Investment Advisory Group, "Declaration of February 1981," PAG 34/1-D (February 18, 1981).
- "Global Politics in the 1980s: A Context for Strategic Planning," Bankers Trust, BTPAG-8/1-D, July 25, 1980. [pdf]
1970s - "Potential Implications of Nuclear Proliferation in Eastern Asia for U.S. Interests," paper for Fourth Annual Conference on Nuclear Proliferation, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam University, Held at Chosun Hotel, Seoul, Korea, January 1979, subsequently published in book form and also reprinted in Korea Times, Hankuk Ilbo, Korea Newsreview and others.
- "The Balance of Power Issue in America's China Policy," Hudson Institute, HI-2719/3-P, May 1978. [pdf]
- (With George Wittman) "A Scenario for U.S. Intervention in the Philippines," HI-2793-DP (March 1978).
- "The Potential Impact of Nuclear Proliferation on U.S. Intervention Capacity in Pacific Asia," HI-2778-DP (February 1978).
- "The U.S. Trade Deficit: Another View," BTB 12/1 (December 11, 1977).
- "American Values and American Foreign Policy," HI-2582-D (April 1977).
- A U.S. Nuclear Posture for Asia, Hudson Institute, HI-2371-DP (June 1976).
- "The Importance of Asia to the United States," HI-2315/3-D (August 1975).
- (With others), "The Implications of Precision Weapons for American Strategic Interests," HI-2204-RR (January 1975).
- (With Herman Kahn), The Future of the Nixon Doctrine in Pacific Asia, Hudson Institute, HI-1661-RR (1974). Volume I: The United States and Pacific Asia; Volume II: The World Context Volume III: Appendices
- "From the Nixon Doctrine to the Ford Doctrine: A Proposal," HI-2071-D (August 1974).
- "The United States and the Pacific Asia in the Seventies," Hudson Institute, HI 1661/3-RR, June 1974. [pdf]
- (With Herman Kahn), "The World Context, Volume II: The Future of the Nixon Doctrine in Pacific Asia," HI-1661/2-RR, September 29, 1973. [pdf]
- Major Contributor, The North Pacific Power Triangle (Japan, China, U.S.S.R.): Implications for United States Security Policy, Hudson Institute, HI-1605-RR (1972).
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